Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Vake and Domingo Visit the JCP Portrait Studio

One of my guilty little pleasures is the JC Penney Portrait Studio. Andrea turned me on to it- in Vake's first month, I went to Kiddie Kandids at Babies 'r' Us and paid the unseemly price of $19.95 a sheet for pictures. After that, I learned better- Jacques Penne will give you a sheet of pics for the bargain rate of $3.99 a sheet and Lindsey the manager at the Regency Square Store is A-W-E-S-O-M-E. She does a GREAT job.

So, Vake, Domingo, Dennis, MS and I trekked out to Regency tonight for a cousin pic. I think Dennis truly believes he has died and gone to h-e-double toothpicks- what a night. Please go to the mall with your mother and sister in law, your infant nephew and your puppy for glamour shots of the nephew and the dog.

We started out with Vake with clothes on, trying to take pics of him in a basket with Domingo but that wasn't going so well- the basket just wasn't big enough and everyone was miserable. So we decided on an "action shot" and the only thing big enough for the two of them was a bathtub.

Here's the first picture: in it, Vake's saying, "Who's this dude in the bathtub with me? Where's the water? What about the music we always play? Seriously people, what are you doing to me?"

Domingo looks similarly nonplussed- all you can see is the little white in his eye.

But they actually got used to each other: see below where Vake is staring at Domingo, petting Domingo, getting kissed by Domingo and finally about to fall out of the tub!

Seriously, too cute. What's next for me, though? A minivan with a stick figure family decal on the back cannot be all that far away.

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