Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Vake and Al's Excellent Adventure

I preface this post by telling you that, try as I might, I'm not all that good at taking pictures at events- I get wrapped up in the moment and wind up missing something.

As you all know, Vake and I went to visit E and his family in Seattle this weekend- I left after work on Thursday. I will tell you that traveling with a baby alone is about roughly 3.8 times more difficult than traveling alone.

To kick things off, my stroller and I set off some super TSA alarms, so both the stroller and I had to go into a special room to be specially searched- and Vake was S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G. So the TSA guy wound up feeding him. V didn't seem to care but the TSA guy was definitely ready to see the hind end of us.

We loaded up in Richmond, no problem. Vake was a total rockstar for the Richmond to Charlotte leg of the trip. So much so that I cockily called Anne on the phone and said, "We're rocking it out. No worries. I don't know why people say traveling with a baby is so hard. He's doing so well." Here is a backwards pic of naive, naive me and Vake.

Somehow, I totally managed to miss the "sleep window" for little V and he SCREAMED for four of the five hours that it took us to get to Seattle. It was like a scene from a movie. He also took in almost 72 ounces worth of fluid. It was unbelievable. As you can imagine, I wasn't happy and he wasn't happy. I was pretty happy to do the baby handoff to Eric when we landed. This picture shows how he looked and how I am sure I looked and I know I felt.

But once we got our Seattle legs, we had a great time. We walked around the city and went to the zoo. Vake and Eric got some good quality time together.

This is Vake's favorite new way to nap. Upside down in his stroller.

One of my favorite parts of the weekend was getting to see friends and family. This is where it becomes obvious that I am not a multitasker: that is, I cannot take pictures of friends and family while hanging out with them. Oh well. At least I got this cute one of Brad and Emily.

Here's little V on his way to some of our fun-filled activities. This was the carseat that came with the rental car.

And if the first plane ride wasn't enough excitement, little Vake rode in a supermarket cart for the first time. Pretty cute. What's even cuter is the reason this happened. Daddy "couldn' t carry beer and the baby at the same time."

Grandma Sue's retirement party was at a beautiful park overlooking a river- so fun. It was a cool day. I was comfortable in a sweater and FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A YEAR non-maternity jeans. I cannot tell you how happy it made me to be wearing a pair of jeans without a panel for a belly.
On the trip back from Seattle, Vake was like a new baby. No crying. He took two good naps. All the people on the plane LOVED him.

And then, when he got tired, I just put him down on the seat next to me and he was out like a light.

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