Thursday, June 4, 2009

Time is Flying!

I know it is so ridiculous for me to say it, but I cannot believe it has been almost four months since little Vake was born. He's already such a different person! It's so funny, everyone who knew me well before him would have told you that I LOVE children but that I like them a little bit bigger!

Vake and I are having so much fun. It's actually killing me that he's getting so big so fast. Taren, our most excellent nanny, called me today at work to tell me that he rolled over again. He's only attempted this once before for Eric and Taren's been practicing with him. And it is really strange, I think there are some mothers who would feel really cheated if they weren't there for the "firsts"- maybe my feelings will change but I am so comfortable with Taren that it doesn't really bother me that she's doing primary care providing during the day.

In some ways, I think that working actually makes me a better parent- and only time will tell if that remains true. But right now, I have this very visceral sense that I only have the time before and after work with Vake so those hours really have to "count."

I've talked to Andrea about how hard it is to have your babies grow up- and apparently the thing that keeps the growing up from being too painful is that each phase is pretty magical and wonderful. But, I've got to say that I've got this really strong sense that I'd be ok with having him be four months forever.

Here are some of the pictures from the day he was born. I have to say, other than the fact that I was truly as big as a house, it was basically a perfect delivery. I decided not to go to work in the morning and Anne, Mom and I went to Target and Barnes & Noble. We checked into the hospital at 1:00pm and Vake was born at 3:25 pm.

It was pretty amazing to have Anne there- and she was able to take the first picture of him as he was wheeled out of what I was later informed was an operating room...

He was the biggest baby in the nursery that day. Here's a picture of the little guy as they were getting him checked in and cleaned up. That must be pretty cool to watch. I only have the vaguest memory of being wheeled down the hallway and someone telling me that my baby was in there- I think Andrea might have been telling me that but I was pretty out of it and still not feeling so hot...

Here is a snap of the preferred parent and Vake- with each passing day, the two of them look more and more alike. It is downright uncanny.

And here I am with the little person- I do have to say that there have been more flattering pictures of me taken in my lifetime. Oh well. What's funny is that I now currently have a black eye and I have NO idea how I got it. I didn't notice it at all this morning when I was getting dressed and ready for court. But by the time I came back to the office, there it was.
I called Eric to tell him that I had a black eye and that I had no idea where it came from- I am thinking that maybe Vake grabbed my face, but really, how in the world do you get a black eye and not know where it came from...

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