Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Twilight Carniball

We take a quick break from all this cuteness to ask you to consider attending Twilight Carniball at the Children's Museum on February 25. What a GREAT event- and the chair of the Development Committee is yours truly!

This year's theme is France- and there will be a minifashion show, a Tour Eiffel, and champagne. Save your nickels and dimes and bid in either our silent or live auctions.

To find out more information or to buy tickets, click here...http://www.c-mor.org/events/twilight-carniball

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Gil Martin: One Month Old!

It is so hard to believe that about a month ago, I was getting geared up for an epidural.

At a month old, Gil

  • weighs 12 pounds and 4 ounces

  • is 23 inches long

  • eats every three to four hours

  • sleeps as long as 4.5 hours at a stretch

  • has great head and neck strength

  • loves to look at the shiny lights

  • is a VERY sweet and easy baby- only fusses when something is wrong.

Eric has about another week or so left of parental leave. My big news is that now I can fit into my fatso prepregnancy jeans. They are tight tight tight but they are on! Yippee. Mom and I packed up all the maternity clothes yesterday- starting to feel like a human again.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Vake and the Mail

Vake, like a lot of other two-almost-three-year olds, loves getting the mail. He's not particularly interested in the mailman, but loves to bring the mail inside of the house. He's especially excited when the mail is his "High Five" magazine that came from Grandma Sue- it's a super cute magazine.

So you can imagine his delight when a large package of mail arrived for him from Grandma Sue.

Here he is opening it. Needed a little help from Daddio to get it open.

And then everyone was very excited to see what was inside!

Weight Check

Eric and I swung Gil by the pediatrician for a weight check yesterday- 12 pounds 4 ounces at one month.

For comparison's sake, Vake was 11 pounds 7 ounces at the same age.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Vake's first balloon?

Guest post from daddy.

Alison & Vake walked to a nearby shop to buy a housewarming present for a friend. The 20-something clerk asked Vake if he'd like a balloon (obviously the answer was "yes, please!")

After the clerk handed it to Vake, Alison prompted Vake to remember his manners:

Alison: "What do you say, Vake?"

Vake (in his most reverent voice): "Oh, thank you. I've never had a balloon before!"

The clerk, of course, looked at Alison as if she were some sort of ogre - what mother would deprive her child of balloons?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How is Vake doing?

After questions about how much baby Gil weighs and how the labor process went, the next question inevitably is "How's Vake doing with the baby?"

The answer is that he is doing GREAT. Vake LOVES having a baby around- there's been almost no jealousy, and Vake just wants to kiss the baby, hold the baby, help change him, help give him a bath, etc., etc., etc. (to quote The King and I, which Eric and I just saw on Friday night and that was WONDERFUL).

In fact, the other day, Eric was taking a well deserved sleep-in on a Sunday morning and I had both boys downstairs- Gil was fussing and Vake dropped what he was doing, ran over and said, "That baby needs his big brudder" and started kissing the baby. It was just too sweet.

I have pics from the birthday party but of course I accidentally left my purse that had my camera in the car of someone who lives in Williamsburg. Awesome.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Three Weeks Already-Gil!

He's already so big. It is crazy that three weeks ago was such an eventful day.

Gil's super easy- as easy as Vake was, if not easier. Last night, he slept until 2 and then went back to sleep and I woke him up at 7:30 to eat.
The difference that I see in myself is that I am more confident in my abilities as a parent and a caregiver- I'm less concerned (or at least a little less concerned) about my ability to feed this child and to respond to his needs. (I found myself thinking, "Ok, whatever..." when our sweet young pediatrician was telling me that we needed to wake Gil up to feed him every three hours. I mean, does the child look like he's starving to you?)

I am much more appreciative too of how short this time is. It is going to be over before I know it. I love my toddler Vake but my goodness there is something about a baby!!!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Seriously, who is who?

You tell me- who is who?

It's a little uncanny how much these babies look like their dad.

12/30/2011: Gil's Birth Story- the really scary day

On the 30th, I woke up and thought to myself, "Whew- we really dodged a bullet!" I was sore- a lot sorer than I had been with Vake's c-section- but willing to chalk it up to the nature of the emergency- there wasn't time to do the spinal (obviously) or to give me the other drugs that, even though they make me pretty nauseated, really cut through the pain of the incision.

So my Mom, sister and my sister's mother-in-law, Lety, had all been able to come and pay me an early morning visit- poor Anne still had to get back to Baltimore and keep on working!- but it was great to see them.

At that point, the nurse came and took Gil back to the nursery for the pediatrician's check up. The pediatrician is great- she's very thorough and very careful. She came back to the room to tell me- and of course this didn't mean anything to me- that she thought that the femoral artery pulses were weak and she was going to order a few more tests.

As the morning passed, the incision pain continued to increase for me until I asked for some morphine. As someone who likes to think that I've got a high threshold for pain, the whole experience of having Gil had been pretty humbling so far- I couldn't tough out natural childbirth and now my incision was hurting. Oh well. So much for being tough.

So, I was basically out to lunch on a mind vacation when the pediatrician called me back to tell me that the results of the study hadn't been normal- she was saying a lot of words that I just couldn't understand. I asked her to call Eric- and she explained it to him- the specialist from mcv would be looking for an abnormality that would mean open heart surgery.

What a long afternoon that was- the nurses gave us updates and every doc in the place it seemed was taking a look at him. There's basically nothing more terrifying in the world than hearing that the cardiologist has called in a NICU consult.

So at the end of this day, the cardiologist (who turned out to be someone that I used to babysit for!!!) brought Gil in and told us that everything was going to be just fine!!!!! Apparently Gil's chunky little thighs had kept the pediatrician from getting the pulses- and then there's still so much going on with newborn hearts that they kept on getting these weird results.

The upshot is that we've got a followup at 6 weeks, but all is well!!!!! Hurray!!!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

First Picture of my Big Man

Here's the first picture of my big boy that Eric took- I think I was still in the operating room when this was taken. To me, he looks just HUGE in this picture.

I think they had him on his tummy to give his lungs a chance to get rid of all the fluid. But look at how beautifully pink he was by this time. Thank GOD.

Seriously, Alice Hirata can have whatever she wants.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

12/29/2011: Gil's Birth Story

*****ALERT****** if you are squeamish about childbirth stories, you may not want to read. It's not a particularly graphic account, but it is certainly not for everyone. I'm just writing it down so that before my memories of that day totally fade, I've got a handle on what actually happened.

So I woke up on December 29, 2011 at about 6am. My new nurse, Natalie, came in and updated my whiteboard. In what would prove to be an accurate goal, she outlined our "goals" for the day- the first one being a safe delivery. I think they know that a lot of times VBAC deliveries just don't work, so they want everyone to be focused on what's really important, which is getting everyone through the experience in one piece.

Here I am in the room.

Once they hooked me up to the pitocin, they had to have me on the fetal and contraction monitors. That wasn't so bad- I could still move around. I am not a huge fan (who is) of IV lines but other than that, it was ok. At that point, I was allowed to have ice chips and popsicles. I've got to say, I don't think I've ever eaten anything more delicious than the cherry popsicles I had that day.

Taren got to our house at 7 and Eric came over to the hospital. I was having fairly regular contractions but the pain was pretty manageable. I was feeling good! And the really good news was that Dr. Hirata came to see me and I was dialated to five centimeters- I was thinking to myself, "Ok, I can totally do this." It had hurt a little bit to get to a five, but not too much.

So, Eric and I sat there. And sat and sat and sat and sat. About noon, Dr. Hirata came back and examined me again. Still a 5. Ooof. That was NOT what I wanted to hear. So she broke the bag of water and OH MY GOODNESS. I am here to tell you that it was NOT AT ALL the same in terms of pain. All of a sudden, the contractions were really really painful.

Now in some ways, I was sort of heartened by this, because I thought we might be making more progress. We went through basically another 2 hours of these contractions. At this point, it was about 2 pm and Natalie, the nurse, asked if I wanted to consider some pain medication. I think poor Eric was bored out of his skull because it was basically watching the contraction monitor and giving me ice chips. I was well beyond the popsicle phase at this point.

I REALLY wanted to try to tough it out- so I asked Natalie if she could just check my progress at 2:30 or so and then let me know where I was- I just knew I was going to be almost done. At 2:30 Natalie checked again- still a 5. Ugh.

At this point, I knew I wasn't getting anywhere fast- and I thought, hmmm. I could probably get through another hour of this, but I cannot do another 5 hours. So at that point, it seemed to make sense to get an epidural (spoiler alert) which was a GREAT call for reasons that will become clear.

The anesthesiologist came in and administered the epidural- which is actually really cool- you can still feel your legs, you just cannot feel anything painful- totally different from the spinal that I had with Vake where your legs are completely numb. He was really nice- his last comment to us was, "I hope this VBAC thing works out for you, but if it doesn't, there will be another anesthesiologist on call to help you if you wind up needing a c-section."

So after the epidural was administered, Anne Monroe came into the room- she brought a DVD and some other stuff to do- I think we were all settled in for the duration. After the epidural, I was able to rest and it was wonderful.

Dr. Hirata came back into the room at 3:30 and did another exam. Still a 5. AARGH. She was great but also wanted to start having the conversation about moving to a c-section. She asked me to roll left and then right to see if we could get the baby's head into a better position.

All of a sudden, the fetal monitor started dropping (I couldn't see this) and Dr. Hirata looked up and asked the nurse if the change was caused by my rolling. Then she looked up and said to Natalie, "No, I've got a cord."

In that instant, her demeanor totally changed. She was all business and all of a sudden, so was Natalie. Natalie put an oxygen mask on me. I didn't really understand what was happening but I think that either she or Natalie told me that there was something wrong and they had to get the baby out NOW. (It's funny how quickly you go from just eating popsicles.)

Poor Eric and Anne- they were just stuck waiting in the room- but not before Anne asked Dr. Hirata, "Prolapse?" and Dr. Hirata told her that it was.

The next set of events are pretty hazy. Dr. Hirata sat on my bed with her hand positioned to take pressure off the cord and I was rolled down the hallway like that into the emergency room. When I got there, I could tell that things were not routine. There were three surgeons and three people in charge of anesthesia and what seemed like 15 other people. They put up a surgical curtain really fast and Dr. Hirata introduced me to one of the other surgeons- Dr. Overstreet, who was a really big, tall, athletic looking guy (or at least from my perspective on the table he was tall).

It was surreal- one of the nurses came over and asked me if I was Mrs. Foster and what procedure was being done- I am sure that's a requirement- and Dr. Hirata said, "Her name's Monroe. Monroe. Monroe." And I was trying to explain that I wasn't Mrs. Foster.

They increased the pain medication through the epidural, and then I felt nauseated and then I THINK I passed out briefly on the table. I came to pretty quickly and saw the bright operating room lights above me and thought, "Oh, what an odd dream." And then I realized that Gil was being born and I NEEDED to stay conscious. Eric was not in the room with me, which was pretty scary.

There was an enormous feeling of pressure and tugging and then I remember people saying "Oh, he's a big one." Which I thought was so funny because they had told me how much smaller than his brother he was going to be. And then I DID NOT hear him cry. And I was really really scared. It was 3:45 in the afternoon. They began the surgery at 3:38.

I asked the doctor who was standing next to my head if my baby was ok. His reply to me was "They're trying to get him to pink up." Gil must have just looked awful- at 1 minute, his Apgar was a 3. They had nurses and doctors in from the NICU looking at him but by 5 minutes, his Apgar was up to an eight. I think that's when they let Eric in to see us.

And then the nurse brought him over to see me- and then they took him away. He looked JUST like Vake to me. I think that he needed a little extra oxygen and they checked him out in the nursery but he was just fine. They took him away and Eric followed the nurses to the nursery to see how Gil was doing. I have no idea where Anne was during all of this- sorry Anne. And this shows you how prepared the hospital was- after they stitched me up (and this was done not by Dr. Hirata, who had ANOTHER birth progressing normally- the poor woman was dying to push while she was trying to deliver Gil), they kept me on the table and brought someone in from radiology to do an xray to make sure there were no surgical instruments inadvertently left inside of me- there had literally been no time to do a sponge and instrument count. That was a little surreal (as if the rest of it hadn't been!!!)

They took me back into the recovery room- good old Room 5- and then they told me that he was 10 pounds 4 ounces. What a miracle.

Of course, poor Mom was at home watching Vake and had no idea that any of this was happening- in fact, she tried to call Anne at about 3:30. But she was able to bring Vake over to St. Mary's that night. I actually felt a LOT better and a lot less nauseated than I had felt with the spinal (although the pain on subsequent days was much more intense).

After a bit, they wheeled me down the hall to the maternity ward- and I got to stop and see my my pumpkin in the nursery. Eric said specifically to me- THERE'S YOUR BABY. Mostly because I hadn't really remembered much about Vake's birthday.

Then Vake came to the hospital with his Grandmary, who had watched him all day like a champ. Gil knew the way to his big brother's heart- TRAINS.

What a prize. Totally worth every second.

Friday, January 13, 2012

10 pounds 12 ounces and gaining!

Gil made his second trip to the pediatrician today- he's now tipping the scales at 10 pounds 12 ounces. Go Gil go!!!!

So basically he's up 6 ounces in seven days, which is pretty impressive considering the size he already was when he came into the world!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy Two Weeks, Gil!

I know I am biased, but don't we have beautiful children?

Wow, I am lucky.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Gil's Birth Story: 12/28/2011

I'm writing all this down in an attempt to be able to remember in years to come. My one big regret from Vake's birth was that I am still a little fuzzy on everything that happened.

I think I remember more from Gil's birth but I am still a little fuzzy on the details. But here goes:

I went to the hospital on the morning of 12/28/2011- Eric went to work. I got to Labor and Delivery and a really nice nurse named Lindsay checked me in- we worked our way through a bunch of paperwork. This was all before my workday at the office began.

Dr. Hirata popped her head into the intake room and told me that she wanted me to come back after work- she was going to do a procedure to try to get me ahead of the curve to make the VBAC possible.

So I went into the office, wrapped up a bunch of loose ends, made sure that all my files were complete and then once work was over, I headed back to the hospital.

Dr. Hirata rolled in and did the procedure and then I settled in for the evening. Eric came and checked on me and then went home. I read, listened to my IPod, took a shower and tried to get some rest. The hospital dinner arrived- it was roast turkey and stuffing and green beans- probably not what I would have chosen in a vacuum but it was fine...I was hooked up to a fetal monitor and a contraction monitor until about midnight but after that, they unhooked me and I could just sleep.

Probably the coolest thing was that I woke up at about 2:30 in the morning to the sound of a baby crying- another baby had been born across the hall from Room 5, the room in which I was staying.

My nurse that night was named Janet. Like all the other nurses who took care of Vake and of me, she was really really good at her job. She made me comfortable and I got a relatively good night's sleep- which turned to be a good thing because I was in store for a wild ride over the next 24 hours.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


On Christmas morning, Vake woke up at a normal time- so funny- my only memories of Christmas were that it was impossible to sleep- but pumpkin slept like a ROCK. So eventually he woke up, and we went downstairs.
You can see the excitement because the living room had been turned into a Thomas wonderland, complete with a new big train table from Santa, with parts like the Tidmouth sheds (the big engine roundhouse).

Vake was thrilled.

And cheerfully played with his train table for about two hours until Anne, Mom, Mary Frances, Lety and Dennis came over!!!!

That's one thing that I thought was so interesting about Christmas this year- Vake wanted to open and play with everything- he was so (no pun intended) present- had NO idea that there were additional presents waiting for him that he needed to open.

Everything was play worthy- right at the minute that it was opened.

He liked opening his stocking (likely one of the six made by Mary Sabra the Machine).

And we all got all kinds of good treats!!!!!

The other huge hit was the bicycle helmet and the bike- he LOVED them- Eric brought the bike up from the basement as Vake's final present (it was from Grandmary) and I thought Vake was going to lose his mind!!!! You also will notice that at this stage of the game, he's insisted on changing into the Thomas pajamas provided to him by Lety. Obsessed.

He loved the helmet so much that he basically wore it all day and then wore it to Christmas Dinner- I know, Mom's a sucker.

And here's the pile of wrapping- it is Eric's family's tradition to put it all into the center of the room until the unwrapping is over and it makes me crazy!!!

Here's Vake sitting on the new bike- you would not believe how well he is already riding it- I will have to post pictures!

My big boy- he grew up so fast!!!!

And then we had dinner. We worked on trying to get a picture of the cousins wearing their matching outfits, but this is as close as we got- we'll have to try again at Vake's birthday.

This is probably the best one- I need to red-eye correct but cannot do it until the computer gets fixed.

And then we tried the photo session this way...look at how confused everyone now is!

And here's how we all felt by the time Erico's delicious dinner was done- it was almost too much!!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Looping back to 2011- Christmas Eve

Oh, I am so annoyed- I just finished this post only to find that the internet connection kicked me off- so here we go again.

So I finally got the camera cord downstairs from our office- our home computer needs to be debugged so it will work again- so I pulled all the pictures to Eric's computer so that I could show you how our Christmas and the first couple of days with our new pumpkin were. The GOOD news is that this gives me days and days of posts!!!! Yippeee.

So at school, they spent a lot of time talking about not only Jesus (thank you First Baptist) but about Santa and the reindeer, too. It is well-documented that Vake does NOT like Santa- last night he again informed me that Santa was a "scary guy" and when I asked him if he liked Santa, the answer was an emphatic "NO"- but Vake also knows all about Santa's jobs and his reindeer.

So one of the craft projects at school was making reindeer food- too cute...here Vake is looking for Santa and the reindeer.

And then spreading the reindeer food.

Then we went to Grandmary's for a Christmas Eve feast- delicious. I hate to admit that the Martin family did not make it to Christmas church- I was just feeling too crummy.

Here I am with my number one son and my number one niece. Forgive the dark circles.

After dinner, it was time to hang the stockings. MS made 6, I made 2. Embarrassing. Mom's a machine.

Don't they look GREAT?

Then Daddio and Vake wrote a letter to Santa. Requested items were Bash, Dash and Ferdinand and Thomas on a raft. If you don't know what I am talking about, then you've missed the feature length film "Misty Island Rescue"

Then we put our letter to Santa where he could find it.

Tested out the cookies.

Left some for Santa.

And then went to bed- my guess is that this is the last year that we will get any rest the night before Christmas at this house.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Back up to Birth Weight- plus a little!!!

We had a successful pediatrician's visit yesterday- Gil is now up to 10 pounds 6 ounces. Which is pretty incredible, especially when you consider that he lost down to about 9'10"- it is a little harder for the big ones to bounce back up to their birthweight- so we are super proud of our little Mooseman.

He's still slightly jaundiced although his bilirubin levels are down- Dr. Tennis recommended that we take him outside and let him sun a little to help break down the remaining bilirubin. That's right- the weather's 60 degrees and sunny and gorgeous again today.

I did not green light the taking off of baby shirts, but Eric, Vake, Gil and I did stroll down to Fox School to play on the playground this morning- you'd be hard pressed to find a nicer day in January.

Had a slightly rougher night last night- it is amazing how the first couple of nights of interrupted sleep aren't so bad but after about a week or so, they start to wear on you a little!!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Doing Great!

I will say, these massive babies are amazing amazing sleepers. Love it.

I've got pictures from Christmas and the hospital- unfortunately our computer at home appears to be suffering from a nasty virus and I cannot download the pics to it to post- but I am working on it.

Gil and I slept a lot today- I am getting over the last bits of the cold that Vake and I shared and Gil just loves to sleep. But we'll get back to the regularly scheduled pictures soon.

We are going to drop off some "grateful patient" cupcakes tomorrow at the LandD wing and the maternity ward at St. Mary's and then show the baby to the nurse-practitioner who took care of me who I just love.

Friday's Gil's first trip to the pediatrician.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Hospital Pics

I think they did a great job- St. Mary's has outsourced its photography of infants to Bella Baby photography- they come into the room and take about 25 pics of your baby. The woman who did Gil's pictures did a super cute job- I've got to figure out which one I want to have accompany the baby announcement.

If you are interested, please feel free to pull up the pics at www.bellababyphotography.com. Click on "view my photos" and the password is ncam1229monroe.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

What a Lucky Mama...

My two beautiful sons, both healthy and happy. I am so so so lucky.

Bringing it in with a Bang!!!

Here's to 10 pounds 4 ounces of sheer cuteness!!!!!

Harold Kress Gillespie Martin ("Gil") arrived on Thursday, December 29, 2011 via emergency c-section. He gave us 2 real runs for our money in the first 24 hours of life but now things have slowed down to a normal (!) pace and we are all recovering nicely.

I am feeling better and better with each passing day (thank goodness- I will tell you that Friday was REALLY rough) and we're looking forward to going home tomorrow with our little Mooseman.

Once we get resettled, I'll fill you in with all the details!!!!