Friday, September 17, 2010

Long but Fun Day

A fun but busy day was had by all.

I had a full docket this morning (ick!) but our office's new intern who is working with me is making good progress so I am REALLY proud of him. Rock on.

Baby Vake spent a large portion of this morning at the playground.

I did a mountain of laundry and then Mom and I went down to Williamsburg with baby V to have dinner with my favorite professor. Dinner with a tired toddler is a full time exercise in parenting. Please tell me it gets easier when they actually have a true vocabulary.

Hittin' the hay now. Erico is MIA at Ocktoberfest. That cannot be good.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, a child's vocabulary is easier to deal with than an infant's whining, but the message is the same: "I'm hungry. I'm tired. No, I don't want to go to bed. Are we there yet? I don't like rutabagas. All the other kids get to. I know, but I have to go potty RIGHT NOW." But they can understand your answer: "Because I said so, and I'm the absolute dictator." And "No, spanking is not child abuse."Left Bank Granny
