Sunday, September 5, 2010

Airline Trip to Calgary

So many of you will remember my disastrous wild ride with Baby Vake that I took last year when Vake was about 4 months old. It culminated in his screaming for four hours and the pediatric dermatologist who was stuck next to us in first class getting blind drunk to ease the pain of being the person on the plane next to us. You will probably also remember that I was SO cocky on the Richmond to Charlotte leg because baby V was perfect on that route.

Cue the remix extended party version of our travel adventures. Vake was fine to Chicago. He was getting tired before we got on the plane to Calgary and once we boarded he LOST HIS MIND. Fortunately, he only screamed for about 30 minutes before he fell asleep on the floor of the plane.

People, it was terrible. Truly terrible. The lady sitting one seat ahead of us got upgraded to get away from us. And after we got off the flight (and I had apologized to everyone about 53 times) and had gotten looks of disgust/sympathy, the way that the customs line worked, I had to pass the people who hated us three times. The first time, a lady said to her husband, "Oh honey, that's the baby who screamed until he passed out."

BUT CANADA is BEAUTIFUL. And Neil, Liz and Erico are all saying that now burglars are going to break in. So if you are a burglar and you read my blog, please don't forget about the killer yellow labs living in the basement. Seriously, both Stilly and Judge can get pretty snarky!!!!

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