Sunday, February 7, 2010

Nap Schedule...

We are in the process of moving from two daytime naps to just one. Yuck. Sometimes little V can manage, sometimes he cannot and like today, we are stuck in a funny no-man's-land of putting him down for a nap at 11:30.

Anyone with good ideas on the whole nap scenario? Like when you dropped the morning nap and how it went? I'd love to hear from you...

1 comment:

  1. Rule No. 1, this from Great-Granny Milly: if you need a break, throw him in the slammer--er, I mean the crib--and close the door so you won't hear him when he yells. "I don't care what the other moms do--I'm not other moms!"
    Eric wasn't difficult. A few years later,he was sneaking books to bed and reading all night. The hard part was making him get up during daylight hours.
    The solution with Brook isn't practical for you. If I'd throw him in a car and go for a ride, he would pass out instantly. It made me worry what would happen when he got to be driving age, but he is such a worry-wart that he even back-seat drives bus drivers, so that risk did not materialize. In short, can't help. Sorry! Left Bank Granny
