Wednesday, January 6, 2010

So Flipping Cool!

So many fun packages arrived from the West Coast today! A wine rack! A cool necklace! Windshield wiper blades! I managed to hold out until Eric finally got home from work! In the box was the perfect gift- the Flip! It is a tiny videocamera. Neil got one for Sonia and they are AWESOME... (this is coming, btw, from the girl who saw absolutely no use for videocameras before Vake's birth. Literally. None at all. Whatsoever.)

So while I love all the gifts (Jerry, here's to a 2010 with less noisy windshield you think you can get him to get the car inspected, too?) I have to say I am crazy about the fact that I can now toss a video camera into my handbag! Yippee!!!!

Eric also had a favorite gift, but I will let him tell you all about it. On the Flip! Yip!

Ok. I am now going to attempt to post a video. But that's after this post...

1 comment:

  1. Brook and I were talking about that while he was here. We're both looking forward to higher-quality Vake films!
