Sunday, January 3, 2010

Friends, Presents and THE FIRST HAIRCUT!!!

This is going to be a quick post because I've got little V wide awake at my feet while I am writing...
Yesterday, we saw our friends the Erdas for the first time since they got back from Germany- little Henry held little Vake's hand- hopefully Henry will keep an eye on Vake when Vake starts nursery school in September!
After that, a bunch of fun packages arrived from the Jones family in Oregon! E and I won a dollar in the lottery but even better, V opened his packages and found...

A VEST!!! A VEST!!! A camel vest from Cousin Leslie. I am guessing that (or let's be accurate, Eric guesses) that it is from her travels in Mongolia.

It is SO cute. V wore it yesterday to the big activity- the first haircut.

Vake had his haircut by my friend and haircutrix, Hien. Who is awesome.

Things weren't going all that well until Hien brought out the magical lollipop. It was mango flavored.

After the lollipop, Vake just sat quietly on my lap, sucking his lollipop while Hien clipped away.

Eric and I each tried to take the lollipop away, and there were shrieks like we've never heard in this child's nearly eleven months on the planet.

I'm not sure that I have the words to appropriately describe what a fan favorite the lollipop was- the picture may do it more justice.

Here we are at the end of the cut- lollipop and all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Glad you guys like it, and yes it is from Mongolia. Sheesh, I thought I was being safe with the size, but it looks like it only fits him just right...
