Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Gil's Birth Story: 12/28/2011

I'm writing all this down in an attempt to be able to remember in years to come. My one big regret from Vake's birth was that I am still a little fuzzy on everything that happened.

I think I remember more from Gil's birth but I am still a little fuzzy on the details. But here goes:

I went to the hospital on the morning of 12/28/2011- Eric went to work. I got to Labor and Delivery and a really nice nurse named Lindsay checked me in- we worked our way through a bunch of paperwork. This was all before my workday at the office began.

Dr. Hirata popped her head into the intake room and told me that she wanted me to come back after work- she was going to do a procedure to try to get me ahead of the curve to make the VBAC possible.

So I went into the office, wrapped up a bunch of loose ends, made sure that all my files were complete and then once work was over, I headed back to the hospital.

Dr. Hirata rolled in and did the procedure and then I settled in for the evening. Eric came and checked on me and then went home. I read, listened to my IPod, took a shower and tried to get some rest. The hospital dinner arrived- it was roast turkey and stuffing and green beans- probably not what I would have chosen in a vacuum but it was fine...I was hooked up to a fetal monitor and a contraction monitor until about midnight but after that, they unhooked me and I could just sleep.

Probably the coolest thing was that I woke up at about 2:30 in the morning to the sound of a baby crying- another baby had been born across the hall from Room 5, the room in which I was staying.

My nurse that night was named Janet. Like all the other nurses who took care of Vake and of me, she was really really good at her job. She made me comfortable and I got a relatively good night's sleep- which turned to be a good thing because I was in store for a wild ride over the next 24 hours.

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