Saturday, August 20, 2011


Does anyone remember this room from our house and the Mother's Day House Tour 2010? I LOVED this room- I thought it was so pretty and would be SO perfect for a little girl.

Ha!!!! Fate does have a way of laughing at you- and I've started to take this room apart for baby Gil.
As it just so happened, Mom needed the bed (which I love- and love in its new location at her house, too) for a guest room- so since about April, this room's been a wasteland of toys, books, a crib, a really depressing playmat "rug", etc., etc.

But today, everything started to change. Finally tackled this closet, with its melange of too big clothes, items leftover from various house projects, etc.

So the weirdest thing about this room (I think) is that it has the two carve outs for closets- one for Gil's closet (on the left) and one for Vake's closet (obviously accessed from the other side) on the right- it's part of the original design- and the rooms actually open up onto each other.

Ha! The empty closet! Thanks Mom! Mom's been helping Anne out in Baltimore- I've forgotten how great it is to have someone who is a huge fan of helping you with unpleasant chores like closet cleaning.

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