Monday, March 15, 2010

Birthday Balloons and Cake!! (and the flip is VERY cool...)

Ok, so I've spent some time with the Flip and figured out how to clip pictures from the video- how awesome is that- and they will give you ten clips per second to choose from- so here are three of the seconds of the cake blowing out ceremony- is that so awesome?

As you can tell, little V is fascinated by the whole process but it looks as though E and I are doing most of the blowing.

And we LOVE balloons.

And what a first child- there are people who are ready to throw a party because he is pulling on a balloon!!!


  1. It is notable to this granny that you referred to Vake as this "first child." That implies more to come! Am I jumping the gun? Left Bank Granny

  2. yes - you are jumping the gun. EBM
