Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Back to Nature Baby...

Those who know me know that I am not much of a nature kind of person. Not that I don't appreciate nature, but I can think of things I'd rather do than hike or camp.

So you can imagine my surprise when Vake picked out this outfit. A spotted owl shirt and camouflage (spelling?) pants. And big boy shoes.

"Hey Mom, can we go outside so I can look at some bugs?"

"Oooh. Will I find bunnies of the dust variety in my closet?"

I mean, really. Have you ever seen a cuter baby?


  1. Back in the day, owl shirts like that were quite popular in Oregon. The authentic ones also said "I like spotted owls, fried in Exxon oil." Maybe you could take Vake's shirt to a local silkscreeing shop for upgrading?

  2. This outfit would really confuse the loggers in Oregon! - BIM
