Monday, August 30, 2010

Temper Tantrum

Moments after the tantrum with a balloon in the back seat.

Vake's new response to things going wrong is to throw a big gigantic temper tantrum. They are happening more and more frequently- usually when he's tired or hungry (they're almost always afternoon occurences).
Today, we went to Saxon Shoes. Now keep in mind that I haven't bought a pair of shoes for MYSELF there in, oh, two years, but Vake's got very very very very wide big feet, so I cannot buy shoes at a place like Target for him.
We arrive and everything's fine. We try on even the first pair of shoes and everything's ok. But Saxon's (probably to their credit) requires that every child's purchase of shoes get past a fitter. Who promptly flunked the fit of the red Keds that I LOVE.
So we tried on basically every other pair of shoes and finally found one extra extra extra wide pair that he could get on. And he was starting to lose it.
Now if I were a stay-at-home mom, I would have called it a day and hustled out of there. But unfortunately, Vake needs shoes and I cannot make two trips. So, we toughed it out for church shoes. And pumpkin had had enough. And literally melted into a pile on the carpet.
It was really awful. It was so bad, in fact, that other mothers with older children walked over and told me to hang in there.


  1. Hang in there.
    He gets this from Eric, no doubt!.


  2. Better check with Left Bank Granny - I think you were the tantrum baby.

  3. Oops - that comment (and this one) were from EBM - didn't know AGM was still logged in.
