Sunday, August 8, 2010

Reading and Dancing!

Most of our weekend mornings when we are lucky enough not to have obligations outside of the house are spent reading and now, dancing, with little V.

On Sunday mornings, I've been doing the marathon training and then getting Vake ready for the day when I get back home. Over the course of the weekend I've taped a lot of our antics and tried to edit them for the best ones. Vake is so close to having a fantastic vocabulary- his new favorite word du jour (and I honestly feel as though each day brings a new word) is wash. He loves helping with the wash. Today, as I threw in what felt like the 300,000th load of laundry for the week (how that's possible with Eric traveling so much I have NO idea) and he just stood in front of the washing machine repeating wash, wash, wash.

There are four videos below- in the first two, he's reading along with me- he LOVES a rotating collection of about 5 books and knows sections of them by heart. This is The Pigeon Wants a Puppy. In the last two, he's showing all the people out there how to do the mashpotato.


  1. Another of his favorite new words - which is only natural since he's a natural-born Husky - is "Purple."

  2. Baby Ivy LOVED reading and dancing along with the Vakester! She's been laughing at the computer all morning :)
