Tuesday, August 10, 2010

18 months!

Vake - you are EIGHTEEN months! You are a year and a half old!! I can't believe it!

What are you up to?

I don't know exactly how much you weigh but am guessing about 36 pounds. I have NO idea how tall you are at this point- either!!!

You wear size 7 diapers (of course available only on the internet!) , size 3T or 4t clothes which is hard to believe, and size 8 shoes.

You have 8 teeth on the bottom and probably 8 teeth on the top- but getting you to open so that I can see the tops is not in the cards.

You still love to sleep- 7 pm to 8 am without interruption most nights and a 2.53 hour nap most afternoons.

You drink from a cup. You can tell us where your belly, nose and ears are. You have a vocabulary of probably 15 words, including wash, no, milk, bye, ball, purple (!) and dog.

You love to dance, as well. You ask for music and then just bop along.

You feed yourself pretty well with a spoon and you seem to be right handed. You have a great sense of humor and laugh when other people are laughing.

We love you, small pumpkin!

1 comment:

  1. Gee, I wonder where he picked up "purple" from?

    Nice sunglasses, too!
