Thursday, June 10, 2010

Little V, you are SIXTEEN MONTHS today!!!

Little V is running full speed ahead into being a little boy!!!

I have no idea what happened to my little baby!!!
Vake, at 16 months you are into everything and seldom walk when you can run.

Vake wears mostly size 3t clothes and weighs about 35 pounds;
sleeps about 13 hours a night;
takes one good nap most afternoons;
loves the children's museum and SWIMMING;
is getting to be a pickier eater, unfortunately;
loves loves loves Stilly;
throws temper tantrums when things don't go his way;
is definitely saying more words (fish, whoa, bye) although still not saying mama or mom and

This was Vake after water play at the Children's Museum. No pants, no problem.

He is absolutely fearless in water.

Don't he and little H look totally grown up at their Little Gym "graduation"?

Hi there- this was my teacher. She is strong and can lift me!!!

He looks just like Eric to me in this one and NOTHING like a baby!

More water play at the new Children's Museum satellite.

And our standby favorite, the eggs.


  1. In case you're wondering, he's naked in the early shots because he spent the first part of the visit to the children's museum playing in the water.

    Next time we'll remember a change of clothes.


  2. A-
    I completely agree that in the 4th to last photo V looks a lot like E.

