Tuesday, May 11, 2010

15 Months!

V, you turned 15 months yesterday while I was away from you overnight for the first time!!!
At 15 months, you:

Weighed 33 pounds at your doctor's appointment. We will find out how tall you are at your checkup on Friday;
Are really getting too big for 2t clothes, need a double extra wide size 7 shoe but can still squeeze into a size six diaper;
can walk well and even run a little bit;
get really frustrated when you cannot explain yourself to us;
are amazing at giving full-on body hugs;
can feed yourself relatively independently, although you cannot use a spoon;
like to open and shut doors, especially glass doors;
enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror;
seem to have mastered the word shoe (but sometimes it is better than others!); and
still think that balloons are the greatest things on earth.

Your Dad and I cannot wait for you to really master talking!

1 comment:

  1. Step-Grumpa Jerry advises, "You have to stop calling him 'V'. That's the name of the alien race that intends to destroy human kind, on the sci fi channel." Left Bank Granny
