Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Whew!!! Are you serious?

I am SO sorry I have been MIA- trying to keep up with two is not harder than you'd think but Baby Gil gave us a run for our money again last week!!!!! This is a cute picture of Gil with his cousin to try to make up for it.

Life should be calming down again. In fact, I've got Gil asleep and Taren's got Vake at the grocery store.

So the short version of the long story is that last Tuesday night (is it possible that it has only been a week?), Gil was coughing in the night a LOT. And in a way that I had never heard a baby or a little boy do. It scared me enough that I took him to the pediatrician, with the assumption that the pediatrician would sweetly send me on my way. I was so certain of this that I did not get a cup of coffee beforehand.

BIG MISTAKE. I rolled up and little Gil's respiration rate was up around 65 breaths a minute. Sweet, careful Dr. Kim at Monument Avenue Pediatrics sent us to the pediatric emergency room after a breathing treatment didn't work. The wonderful pediatrician in the emergency room admitted Gil to the hospital- there is nothing scarier that a pediatric ward, by the way (and as it just so happens, we were right across the hall from where Mom was with baby Anne about 34 years earlier!!!!).

The admitting nurse was hilarious- referred to baby Gil as her "porkchop" and very efficiently rolled him into a tight swaddle and tipped his little head up at a 45 degree angle to drain the mucus. She suctioned him and administered breathing treatments. He didn't get better, so the wonderful respiratory therapists worked on him all night and at 2 am, he finally turned a corner. We were released by Thursday at noon.

Now, I will tell you, St. Mary's is amazing in so many ways but the accomodations for parents are not one of them. There are pull-out chairs that pull out to single mattresses on the floor- not so comfy. Basically a sleepless night- I cannot remember a time when I've been so tired!!!! Yowzers.

So Thursday was spent trying to recover because Friday was preparation for Carniball!!! Which was a huge success- I'll write about that tomorrow!!!!

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