Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Anne and Dennis got the great news today that they are having a LITTLE GIRL!!!!! How exciting. And probably evidence that the universe will foil those of us who thought we had a preference!!!!!

Anyway, what better way to celebrate that to go to KidsGrow- this cute cute cute consignment shop on the Northside. The woman who owns it knows that I have a sickness- she calls me anytime something smocked comes in in Vake's size. Now that we have a girl to buy for, it could be TROUBLE...

Cute little cherries on a tiny little bubble in blue striped seersucker.
Basically brandnew Willits "Freckles" shoes. LOVE THEM. Would buy them for MY fictional daughter.

Beautiful Rosalina smocked day gown. Look at the scalloped hem.

Cute top and pants set.

Check out the duck detailing. SO AMAZING....

Watermelons. Maybe for the Carytown Watermelon Festival????

For Baby "Dear"- get it? Dear?

1 comment:

  1. Don't you DARE dress my grandson in those things! Left Bank Granny
