Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cue the Cheesy Music

...leaving on a jet plane. don't know when I'll be back again. Oh babe I hate to go.

I am going to a conference in Albuquerque this week- leaving today back on Wednesday. In terms of overall career/professional development, it is a great opportunity and I got the organizers to give me a scholarship, so it isn't an expensive venture, either. I actually think it will be a good learning experience that will make me unique in our office in terms of body of knowledge. (Not to get too technical but the conference is about the implications of guilty pleas for illegal immigrants in the context of deportation).

I am leaving the great Erico in charge. I suggested that I could put Vake's outfits in marked Ziploc bags and that was not well received. I am hoping that he will post daily pics- Taren thank GOD is at our house this week which makes life a lot easier for the parent left at home.

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