Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hand Foot and Mouth: Day Three (Four?)

So this routine is starting to get a little tired. Vake's been hanging in there like a champ but he feels bad bad bad.

Yesterday, Vake woke up screaming at 6:00 am. I gave him some Motrin and got some fluids down and then he went back down to sleep until Grandmary came over so that I could cover my morning docket (because it was a holiday weekend it was punctuated by a bunch of folks who had had no contact with me who then wanted to me to try their cases dead cold. That's not a fun way to try a case, let me tell you...ugh.).

I came home about the time it was time for an afternoon nap for everyone. Then he was up and mostly not fussy until about 7. He had, however, decided that he hates Motrin, so it is now a Mommy and Daddy activity to get it down his throat. Awesome.

This morning began again with the screaming and the Motrin but Eric was out cold so it was all Mommy all the time on the Motrin. (In fact, Eric came to long enough to tell me that I had terrible morning breath. Double awesome.)

Vake made it about 30 minutes before it became obvious from his screaming that it was time to go back to bed again- he's still asleep now and it is almost 10:00 am. While he was asleep, I tried the Silver Palate's brownie recipe. Perhaps it is because I had to substitute brown sugar for white sugar but they are TERRIBLE. Consistency's bad AND flavor's bad.

Everyone else in this house is still unconscious. Vake, E, Stilly and Judge. When everyone comes to, the real challenge will be to think of activities we can do where Vake won't be miserable and won't expose other children to this disease. Obviously the pool and the Children's Museum are out- maybe the zoo where he could stay in his stroller?

1 comment:

  1. Poor V! And, by consequence, poor mommy & daddy too! I hope feels better soon!

