Vake's experience with soccer was ok. At the end of the day, it was hard on him to have his father as his coach- he just got too worked up and excited. Nevertheless, Eric and I asked Vake if he wanted to try "biddy ball" which is basketball for the 3-4 year old set. Vake was interested in it, so we signed him up.
As we signed him up, there was a place to check if you were interested in coaching or assisting. I, frankly, am interested in neither but also think that it is very important to support your child's activities. So I signed up to assist, thinking that there was no way that would happen.
Well, assisting in fact did not happen. Now I am the HEAD coach for a biddy ball time. YIKES!!!! Wow.
I'll keep you posted. The good news is that the ball is only 5'6" off the ground.