Saturday, August 31, 2013

The new house from Vake's perspective

So Vake and I spent a lot of quality time on Friday hanging out while Gil slept in the pack and play. (On a side note, I ventured out to Wal-mart here, one of the about 4 big stores here in town to buy said pack and play. Lets just say I found the experience totally overwhelming.)

Here's the view in our be neighborhood- I let vake take the pictures. He did not think that a picture of our house was necessary so this is the view from the front porch.

Looking down the street.

Our next door neighbor's house.

A bush in our front yard.

We worked really hard to get basically the entire basement of the house on eldorado empty today. Now, for the unpacking and the figuring out where everything goes! Wheeee!

School does not start for Vake with the rest of the school, so while everyone else is starting on Tuesday, he's got some extra time with me. I think things are about to get a lot easier- because we knew that the house on eldorado was sort of a short term solution, we've been using it a little like a hotel room- with very little unpacked. Whew.

We are going to try to go to church tomorrow morning. It is strange- I am now the stereotypical housewife- I don't see very many people I know during the course of the day so I am dying to talk to Eric when he gets home. Eric, on the other hand, would be perfectly fine never talking to anyone again when he gets home.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:N Eldorado Ave,Klamath Falls,United States

1 comment:

  1. Love this! We miss you. Photos from street perspective please! and inside. xox Tanner
