Thursday, March 1, 2012

Little Gil's Personality

It seems appropriate to tell you a little about this child's personality and how it compares to vake's- and how my experience as a mother may be affecting it.

Gil is about an easy baby as they come. He divides his day into even chunks. He sleeps, then he wakes up and nurses and then he "plays" which for him means looking at things and smiling and giggling, and then he goes back to sleep again. He cries when he is hungry or tired. Period. I've go e I to his room and found him calmly staring at his curtains, which he seems to like because they at bright colors.

He's a completely little zen Buddha baby. He loves loves loves to snuggle. The other day, a friend was over at the house and commented on the fact that Gil was trying to hug her. And I think he actually was. He loves to snuggle and be snuggled. He also really likes to be swaddled to sleep. Vake neve cared about that as much, so we didn't do it for long, but Gil really insists on it.

Maybe I'm the one that's different. I'm more confident as a parent and I know what my babies need. I also know that this is my last one, so I actually appreciate the gift of a baby more. It just kills me that I've go to go back to work...ask Eric and he will tell you that I will bankrupt him if I do t go back, but this tie of their being small is just so short and so fleeting. It kills me.

So may e it is him, may r it is me. It is likely a little of both of us but this baby is really encouraging me to slow down and appreciate his very babyhood. is already moving too fast.

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