Monday, January 9, 2012

Looping back to 2011- Christmas Eve

Oh, I am so annoyed- I just finished this post only to find that the internet connection kicked me off- so here we go again.

So I finally got the camera cord downstairs from our office- our home computer needs to be debugged so it will work again- so I pulled all the pictures to Eric's computer so that I could show you how our Christmas and the first couple of days with our new pumpkin were. The GOOD news is that this gives me days and days of posts!!!! Yippeee.

So at school, they spent a lot of time talking about not only Jesus (thank you First Baptist) but about Santa and the reindeer, too. It is well-documented that Vake does NOT like Santa- last night he again informed me that Santa was a "scary guy" and when I asked him if he liked Santa, the answer was an emphatic "NO"- but Vake also knows all about Santa's jobs and his reindeer.

So one of the craft projects at school was making reindeer food- too Vake is looking for Santa and the reindeer.

And then spreading the reindeer food.

Then we went to Grandmary's for a Christmas Eve feast- delicious. I hate to admit that the Martin family did not make it to Christmas church- I was just feeling too crummy.

Here I am with my number one son and my number one niece. Forgive the dark circles.

After dinner, it was time to hang the stockings. MS made 6, I made 2. Embarrassing. Mom's a machine.

Don't they look GREAT?

Then Daddio and Vake wrote a letter to Santa. Requested items were Bash, Dash and Ferdinand and Thomas on a raft. If you don't know what I am talking about, then you've missed the feature length film "Misty Island Rescue"

Then we put our letter to Santa where he could find it.

Tested out the cookies.

Left some for Santa.

And then went to bed- my guess is that this is the last year that we will get any rest the night before Christmas at this house.

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