Monday, November 14, 2011

Halloween Pics!!! At long last!!!!

Where oh where did most of November go? I've been recovering from the total exhaustion brought about by the Richard Wallace trial- I have to say that I am thanking my lucky stars I will never be 8.5 months pregnant trying what was basically a life exposure case evah again!!!!! Yippee.

So I will say that I am incredibly proud of Vake's costume but I am even prouder of Vake's daddy- dressed up exactly like Sir Topham Hatt. Vake and I are really lucky to have this hardworking man in our family.

I thought about doing posts on the building of the costume and pumpkin carving first, but let's be realistic- the costumes were pretty great!!! So without further ado, I give you Thomas the Tank Engine and Sir Topham Hatt.
Erico even ordered a yellow vest- come on people- it doesn't get much better than that!!!

My little Thomas...

Good side view- Vake really liked wearing the costume, which was sort of touch and go- he was a little less sure about the whole collecting candy component of Halloween.

First we went and saw our neighbors on the Boulevard.

Chug-a chug-a chug-a choo choo...

Please also notice the conductor's hat that Vake is wearing courtesy of Grandma Sue.

Here are Sir Topham Hatt and Thomas headed down the Boulevard.

Collecting candy from our neighbors!

If asked, Vake repeatedly said that he wanted Mommy to be a Mososaur- so whilst Daddy looked dapper as Sir Topham Hatt, my dreams of being Mrs. Hatt, or even the judge from the train show were dashed. Eric did get me an most excellent Mososaur head.

The really frustrating thing was that it basically poured rain and cut our stroll up and down Hanover quite short.

But we did get to check in on Grandmary- who was pretty excited to see Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt.

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